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2022 Highlights: The Year Listening To 38 Disabled Voices 🙌

Writer's picture: PetaPeta

Thank you for listening to The I Can't Stand Podcast in 2022.

A big thank you to all my lovely guests who took the time to speak with me and to educate all of us, on what it is like for them living with a disability.

Connect with Peta:

Instagram: @petahooke


Please find all the episodes in the order they appeared:


Episode Transcript:

Peta [00:00:03] Hello and welcome to The I Can't Stand Podcast, the podcast answering your questions on what life is like when you have a disability. My name is Peta. I have cerebral palsy and I'm your host. If this is your first episode, welcome. You picked a good one. If you've been listening to me since the podcast started. Also, welcome. I'm so excited to look back on the year that was. I'd like to thank every single guest that I had on the podcast this year. I'm very proud to say that I had a total of 38 disabled voices on the pod, plus allies, and plus me answering some of your questions. In a moment, each guest is going to reintroduce themselves to you. I've made sure to put them in the order that they appeared on the podcast to the best of my abilities. So without any further ado, let's get into it.

Hannah [00:01:22] Hi. My name is Hannah Diviney. I also have cerebral palsy like Peta. And I'm a writer and disability advocate.

Gustavo [00:01:30] My name is Gustavo Serafini, and I was born with a rare physical disability called PFC. It's basically a shortening of the femur. So I wear a like a custom prosthetic on my right leg and a brace on my left. And I was also born just with my left arm.

Peta [00:01:50] Peta. Do you think you'll ever walk? And you hope that you walk one day.

Emily [00:01:59] My name is Emily. I have sensory processing disorder, which I was diagnosed with age eight and I was diagnosed as dyslexic, aged 19. And also, just to add another thing in there, I'm also autistic, and I was diagnosed in November 2019, aged 25.

Peta [00:02:21] How can you be a better ally to people with disabilities?

Eliza [00:02:27] My name's Eliza Hull. I'm a musician, parent, disability advocate and writer.

Peta [00:02:36] Peta. How do you cope with no formal supports or support workers?

Jessica [00:02:44] My name is Jessica Bean. I am a dog lover, a coffee enthusiast, a regular beach goer. But I also live with cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis related diabetes.

Eliza [00:02:57] Hi. I'm Eliza. I am a disabled person. My pronouns are they them. And I make content all about disability awareness and LGBTQ plus positivity.

Amber [00:03:11] My name is Amber and I am the owner of a Wheely Good Perth, a Perth based business that goes to ground and accesses businesses and gives them audits.

Sophie [00:03:26] Sophie Bradbury-Cox, also known as Fashion Belle on Instagram. I have a disability called spinal muscular atrophy. I have type three, which is also known as the mildest type. I've had it since birth. It's a genetic condition and it means that I use a wheelchair full time so I can't walk or stand at all. Yeah. I became a mum to Zaira in 2020, so I right when all the pandemic went crazy, I was having a C-section and giving birth to Zaira.

Ben [00:03:56] Hi. I'm Ben Aldridge. I was serving in the military, was quite young. I was 22 at the time. My ex and I'll serve in the infantry just come back from overseas. And we suffered quite badly from post-traumatic stress. I ended up turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism. One night, I found myself urinating off the edge of a rather large cliff for one drink. I've lost my balance and over I've gone. So I've fallen ten metres or 30 foot and surrived

Chloe [00:04:30] Hello. I'm Chloe Timms. I'm an author and former teacher. I have a condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. And after I did my teaching, I decided to revisit a lifelong love of mine, which is writing. So I went back to university. Studied for a master's. I got a book deal at the end of 2020. So I'm very thrilled to say that my debut novel, The Sea Women, comes out on June 14th.

Peta [00:05:02] But like for many people, disabilities, going on a holiday is a pretty challenging prospect. In some ways, staying at home can often feel like more of a holiday than being on holiday itself.

Trin [00:05:20] My name is Trina Thornbury. I'm married. I have twin girls and I have Ataxic and Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

Tamsin [00:05:31] I'm Tamsin Colley. I have Cerebral Palsy too and Autism. I'm an Australian Paralympican and Uiversity student studying exerice physiology.

Sam [00:05:42] My name is Sam Bloom. I used to work as a registered nurse. I have three boys, and we were in Thailand for about four days. And we went up on to, like, this flat rooftop just to have a look at the view and drink our fruit juices or whatever it was. And I went on the railing and it had dry rot. And so I fell and fell six metres and broke my back.

Emily [00:06:07] Hi. I'm Emily Liddell. I have a physical disability called Larsen's syndrome. It's a genetic joint and muscle disorder. My mother and her younger brother, my uncle, also have it very much a part of who I am. It's quite literally in my DNA.

Lindsay [00:06:29] Hi, Peta. Thank you for having me. My name is Lindsay. Lindsay Nott. I went out for a celebration swim at Southbank on the last day of grade 12. And, yeah, unfortunately, it broke my neck.

Dinesh [00:06:45] My name is Dinesh Palipana. I have a spinal cord injury. I work as a doctor and I'm a lawyer and a disability advocate. So ah, super passionate about this area.

Carol [00:06:58] Hi. My name is Carol Taylor. I am an artist. I am a lawyer, a disability advocate, and I believe the world's first quadriplegic fashion designer.

Ryan [00:07:12] My name's Ryan Smith. I'm a creative director and a designer. That's been my career for the past 20, 25 years. I haven't always used a wheelchair. I suffered pretty bad arthritis in my mid to late twenties and so I was a sort of a decline in my knees and I was using crutches for about six months or so. And then eventually it was so aggressive that I ended up in a wheelchair.

Jess [00:07:40] Hi. I am Jess Van Zeil. I have a few different disabilities, actually. My first disability, which is probably the most visible of them, is the fact that I have a left eye and I could lose my eye too. So when I was about 22. I also have a weakness through the right side of my body, and that is due to a brain surgery that happened that was lifesaving, but did leave me with that as well. So it is something that I constantly deal with and I do have a couple of chronic illnesses as well, just to add to the mix.

Alyce [00:08:17] I'm Alyce Nelligan. I'm a disability advocate, political activist and proud disabled woman. And I am so excited to be here with you, Peta, you don't even know.

Rocca [00:08:30] My name is Rocca Salcedo. I'm originally from Colombia. I came to Australia to study a master in international law and unfortunately I have a car accident, a pedestrian accent to be more specific. And I have a spinal cord injury, so I use wheelchair.

Peta [00:08:52] That means that I also listen to a lot of other podcasts and through that process I found out that the cervical cancer screening test had been updated for women and people who have a cervix. I wonder how this could help people with disabilities. Professor Saville has served on clinical screening advisory committees in Australia, New Zealand and Ontario. She currently chairs the working group to review Australia's guidelines in the management of screened detected abnormalities in the National Cervical Screening Programme. Following my conversation with Professor Saville will be a conversation with another professor but just as esteemed Professor Deborah Bates in. I am really confident in the experts I have brought in to speak on this issue, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Stephanie [00:09:54] My name is Stephanie Fantasia. I am a psychologist. I'm a disability ally. And I work in the disability inclusion space. And I have my own podcast, Psycho Cinematic, where we analyse depictions of mental illness and disability on popular films and TV shows.

Peta [00:10:13] How social media as a whole is influencing the disability community both in representation and also helping people realise that they themselves might have a disability.

Joshua [00:10:29] My name's Joshua Pether, and I'm an independent artist. Much of the country here in W.A.. I'm primarily a performance artist, but I have training in dance and choreography.

Peta [00:10:45] There are so many exciting things happening at Old State, and I wanted to give you a little bit of a taste because after all, this sort of thing is very new and it's hard to know what a disability festival is. First up, we have the amazing Ellie and Sue from when the world turns production. And then following that, I have the amazing Joe and Emma talking about women's circus.

Renay [00:11:15] My name's Renay Barker Mulholland. I am a black of all trades. That's what I've been referring to lately. I do everything off fashion, writing, activism.

Oli [00:11:32] My name's Oli Pizzi Stratford. I'm from Melbourne, Victoria. I'm an actor and I play a various variety of sports, including tennis, athletics, basketball, public speaking, disability advocate and just an all around jack of all trades. Yeah.

Fiona [00:11:54] Hi. I'm Fiona Demark. I'm an inspirational speaker and resilience coach. I also work around disability awareness for the Department of Transport here in Victoria.

Brianna [00:12:06] My name is Brianna Paawue. In 2011, I was in a car accident that left me paralysed from the waist down. So, I mean, I made a poor decision of drinking and driving, and I was going a little bit too fast. But luckily I had my seatbelt on. But where my lap band was holding me on across my lap, that is where my back broke. So I'm paralysed from my belly button down.

Liel [00:12:28] My name is Liel K. Bridgford I'm a writer, podcaster, disability and justice advocate and the poet by day. I'm also a professional psychologist and a trainer and parent and identify as a proud, disabled immigrant non-conforming female.

Emma [00:12:49] My name is Emma, Vogelmann. You might know me as the Wheelchiar Activist, which is my podcast, but I am a disabled woman. I have a condition called spinal muscular atrophy. It's a neuromuscular condition. So I'm a full time electric wheelchair user, and I also use a ventilator through a tracheostomy. I work in the UK, in the charity sector, in poverty, affecting disabled people. So I try to create change on whatever level I can to try and improve the situation for disabled people.

Jack [00:13:37] Hi. My name is Jack Dell, and I'm a person with a lived experience of physical disability. Thanks for having me.

Sam [00:13:45] I'm Sam Drummond. I'm a lawyer and a writer and a disability advocate.

Jen [00:13:53] My name's. Jen. I work at Women with Disabilities, Victoria and I also do research work with the University of Melbourne and I'm proud to be part of the disability community.

Jack [00:14:05] I'm my class. I'm an engineer by background. Regina Sounds like the Bay Bridge is really their city vibe. And Sam retired.

Lisa [00:14:20] My name's Lisa. I don't have any disabilities myself, but I have three children and they all have SD and ADHD and NDIS plans. And the youngest child also has a severe intellectual disability and it looks like he'll be non-verbal and incontinent for life. He's 9.

Justin [00:14:42] My name's Justin Glyn. I am legally blind. I'm a Catholic priest, a Jesuit, and also a lawyer. I am the in-house counsel for the Jesuits in Australia.

Natale [00:14:56] My name is Natale Cutri. I'm on the City of Melbourne Disability Advisory Committee. I am just retiring member.

Jax [00:15:05] Hello. My name's Jax Brown. My pronouns are they and them. I'm an LGBTQ, a plus disability rights advocate. I've been working in the LGBTQ I plus disability rights for over ten years. So all kinds of advocacy around sexuality and gender diversity and disability. I am a wheelchair user and I also have dyslexia as well.

Dylan [00:15:31] So my name Dylan and a 19 year old from Scotland. I have a disability called MDP Syndrome which stands for Mandibular Dysphasia with Deafness and Progeroid features. And one the that can occur for this condition as the loss of healing and the loss of body fat. And it can sometimes be hard to walk on bare foot. And also inability to do physical activities. And because it's no fat to support the bottom of my feet.

Peta [00:16:26] Thank you for listening to this week's episode and thank you for listening. All throughout the year as well. I love what I do, but I could not do it without you. Thank you so much for being open to hearing disabled voices and perspectives.

Peta [00:16:46] If you'd like to ask me a question for a future episode of the podcast or suggest a guest you can get in contact with me by my Instagram my handle is @petahooke, splet PETA HOOKE. Or by email. My email address is @icantstandpodcast at or via my website You can also leave a rating and review if you listen on Apple Podcasts or please share the show on social media. It all helps more people find the podcast. So until next week. Have a good one, guys. Bye.



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